Friday, March 14, 2014

This is the Day

"This is the day that The Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it". (Psalms 118:24)

But, oh my goodness, I want it to be tomorrow so much.

I am a "futuristic" girl according to Marcus Buckingham, and his book, " Now, Discover Your Stengths" and a daydream believer and homecoming queen (okay, maid of honor) according to The Monkees. 

Today is always a hard place for me to live.

Just as I come into a day, or a season or whatever is present, I am already looking down the road for the next thing. The forward glances are not in apprehension or fear, but in readiness.

I love change and new things and so, once I realize I have reached a landmark I identified intentionally or accidentally a few mikes back, I am already scanning the horizon for the next point of interest.

My fears do not come from the unknown. The unknown sounds fabulous and free.

I fear the known. I fear the place where stillness becomes stagnation. Don't get me wrong, I understand "contentment in all circumstances" and "being still." I have learned to be still and listen and I am working hard on contentment, but I was built with a forward tilt.

All of that is to say; today, as in March 14, 2014, is one of those days that I am going to have to place my own hand on top of my head and press down a little. 
Tomorrow is such an exciting day, and I am going to have to do everything in my power to remember that today is important too. 
There is some scrambling to do (I do love a good scramble) and a hefty to-do list as usual, but I know my anticipation is going to stretch me just beyond attentiveness to the treasures of this day.
I have at least five treasures that deserve my presence and my willingness to put the brakes on for minute or two.

I have much to be glad in and much to be joyful for. God made this day too.
Lord, don't let me miss it.

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