Friday, February 14, 2014

False Starts

In every personality test I have ever taken, and that list is long, I see some similar themes.

I like to get things moving, and I am not so great at waiting.

I am a "Motivator"
An "Activator"
A "P"

I would love to help you digest all of that right here because I love that stuff, but you'll just have to take my word for it that sometimes this girl forgets to look before she leaps.

As a result, I have had a lot of false starts.

I am always willing to go on an adventure, and I have signed up for many adventures that are not mine to pursue. 

I also have the charming ability to turn a blind eye to the warnings and signs that suggest that perhaps I have gotten ahead of myself.

Coupled with a will strong enough will to push myself through barricades and guardrails in attempt to chart my own course, I have found myself in many a place I shouldn't have gone.

Mercifully, I always been stopped.
A few of those times have been embarrassing. A few painful. A few have left others hanging and disappointed.

There is a lot of wasted energy in having to backtrack.

I am grateful to a God that will stop me when I check in with him. I know Him well enough to know that when I can't hear His voice anymore it means that I am not close enough to him.

He is loudest and clearest when I am right beside him.

I am happy to announce that I have learned to check my proximity to him before I look down a new road. In the "Shadow of the Most High" is a good place to be.

Turns out there is adventure waiting on even the most mundane of paths.

His voice is nearly deafening right now and we have picked up speed. (His pace is quickening everywhere, have you noticed?)

This boring old suburban street just got interesting.

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