Monday, February 24, 2014


Literature has always been my thing.

Reading books is far and beyond anything elsewhere way that I would rather spend my time.

I see the world in little metaphors and allusions and I trace themes the way other people, chart progress and build systems.

Parables work for me. Stories and allusions bring far more clarity to a situation than facts and accuracy.

God uses metaphors to explain things to me and he serves them up wih a little side of exhortation too.

He uses my children as little metaphors all the time. 

My toddler refuses good healthy food and has an absolute fit until he gets hollow snacks, and God says, "don't you reject My good things and strive for the emptiness of this world?"

I try to skip ahead a week in my running plan and when I am limping the next day He say, "my timing is perfect. Stop running ahead"

I think even those who aren't into all of those literary elements are still moved by parallels. 

Don't all the stories we love, whether comic books, chick-lit Olympic athlete bios, all contain the same themes we see in the Bible?

The underdogs winning the big battles.

The ruined being redeemed.

The one who sacrifices himself to save the ones who rejected him?

Something in all of us knows these stories. They are bound up in our souls and sinew. They resonate because they bump into bone.
I think the whole world is trying to tell the same story. 

What are the metaphors in your life? 
The daily? The recurring?

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