Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Running Thing

I am really perseverating on this running analogy; hilariously because I do not like running.
I loathe it if I'm being honest.
My husband is a runner, a very disciplined, goal-achieving, strong runner.
I hear about running a lot.

When I started talking about this "new race", the metaphor stuck fast and hard in our world.
It has become filter, "sure, that would be fun, but can you do that and run at the same time?.

Please forgive my overuse of the terminology, I fear it is here to stay.

In our discussions this week, Josh has said a few times that the first mile is always the hardest. 
I have many miles ahead of me.

My first step was attending the IF:Gathering alone. Once I was on the plane, it turned out to be a pretty easy step.

The next step was hitting publish on a blog post and leaving it live on the blog. 
Harder step for me. There is a major stronghold here.

The next step is hitting send on an email that is going to start a major ball rolling in my life. It is going to create a lot of work, it is going to consume a lot of my time and energy and it requires a bit of a leap of faith for my entire family. I fully expect this to hurt a little.

Josh tells me that once you push through that first mile, you find a rhythm and it gets easier; enjoyable even. (hmmmm)

This first mile is going to leave me sore, probably in places I didn't know could be sore. It is going to leave me out of breath and tired. It is going to require muscle that I have not needed to access before.

 I have no idea how far I will have to run before it gets comfortable, but I am determined to press through.

"Brother and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)

1 comment:

  1. I am very excited to hear about his journey you are about to embark on! Yay for your first big steps!! :). Kristy
