Friday, February 21, 2014


Today got off to bad a start.

Middle of the night storms woke a child who in turn woke me. 

My quiet time was interrupted.

My to-do list is too long and yoga might have to get cut.

My breakfast dishes are still covering my table and counters.

The overflow of my heart is ugly this morning and I have little souls following me around watching and emulating me.

I have to choose joy and choose it now and the only way I know to do that is the hold my disgruntled thoughts up to the truth.

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds", (James 1:2 ESV)

My complaints are so petty. They don't even classify as the trials on which I just  based my scripture search.

There are pictures of Macimillia and Doreen living in Uganda in my messy burdensome kitchen; they might be hungry today. Raising younger brothers and sisters keeps them from food and school sometimes. Their trials are unending.

A family in Missouri woke up this morning knowing that Evil took their beloved daughter down to a basement and she's not coming back up. Their trial will involve trials that make them relive this horror over and over. Heaven alone will end this suffering.

They need a Savior to save them from their circumstances, and I need One to save me from myself.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
 (Matthew 5:3, 4 ESV)

I am having a hard time finding the part where Jesus said, " blessed are those who lost their leisure time today" or "blessed are those who lost 30 minutes of sleep last night"

There is no blessing for being a brat.

There is no joy received for calling household chores "trials"

I know we were feeling sorry for me at the beginning of this post, but I was not in need of pity as much as forgiveness. 

I can turn this day around by  "taking every thought captive and making it obedient to God" and by "doing everything without bitterness and complaining."

Thank you for new mercies every day, every hour, every minute.

Save me from myself, Lord.


  1. Katie, I just started following your blog and it's awesome. Thank you for doing it - keep it up! I am awful at commenting but wanted to today and not let another day go by without letting you know I appreciate it. And this post in particular...SO GOOD. I resonate with this exactly today. Thank you!!!

    1. So good.... probably my longest ongoing prayer is Lord, just please save me from myself!
