Monday, February 17, 2014

The Hard Way

I've taken a lot of Spritual gifts test; a productof a lifetime of youth groups, church camps, bible training, church staff, etc.

One of the recurring test results, Prophecy, I just glossed over because I can not predict the future and I have no desire to walk around naked or be fed by a raven, thank you very much. 

But last year, when I took another one, I saw something in the description that allowed me to embrace this part of myself for the first time.

In the description on the website, was this little phrase:

"- understand God's heart and mind through experiences He takes them through. "

If that doesn't explain why I have had to learn everything the hard way, I don't know what does.

I have to live through things to fully understand them.

Which is why it is no surprise that in this season of life, I feel compelled to actually physically run too. I am going to have to go at this race both literally and figuratively.

It makes total sense in this light and probably explains why I felt compelled to have a natural child birth to share in the suffering of Christ which is Elijah-weird, but we won't go there. (you're welcome)

Understanding your Spiritual Gifts is pretty important in light of the call to run the race set before us.

If you haven't taken one, check out the one at It's the most comprehensive I've seen. 
Leave your results in the comments. I love knowing that sort of stuff. 
Knowledge is another gift; being in "the know" makes me happy.
Ring a bell?



  1. My highest was 'discernment'. I've always thought I had a pretty good BS detector so I guess that's pretty accurate. I'm just shocked speaking in tongues wasn't my highest.

  2. I didn't take this test (because I wasn't prepared to give a donation :/ ), but mine always seem to turn up as "Administration". By the description I found here (, it's pretty right on. Now, what to do with it? -Annette
